Faces Reading Quiz

It is common knowledge that we communicate all the time non-verbally through our facial expressions, but did you know we also communicate through our facial features?

I hope you have fun with this quiz and discover some new things, but you may also surprise yourself as to how much you subconsciously already know! To be enjoyed with a coffee break.

1. The guy in your office with an extremely wide nose is more likely to:

a. poke his nose into everyone else's business all the time
b. have trouble projecting himself into the world and keep quiet a lot
c. need to stand his ground on work matters a lot
d. be easily approachable

c. they need to stand their ground a lot

Our nose relates to our identity and the solar plexus chakra. The shape of our nose says lots about how we project who we are into the world and how easily approachable we are.

Someone with a big long nose is going to need to know what is going on and will have no problem poking their nose into your business. They also find it easy to project their identity into the world and have high self-confidence. The bigger the nose the more the person is saying "Look at me!" Take Jamie Farr from Mash as a stereotypical example.

A person with a long nose with a soft rounded bulb on the end of it belongs to someone who we will experience as easily approachable. This is because the bulb acts like a bumper that we can gently bump up against and bounce off unhurt, as compared to a person with a sharp pointed nose who can feel really sharp to us as they can poke their nose into our business.

2. Your elderly spinster aunt who has always lacked inner direction in her life, and who always feels vulnerable, exposed and unprotected is most likely to have which shape eyebrows?

a. boomerang shape
b. bushy eyebrows
c. eyebrows that slope upwards
d. eyebrows with no hair on the outsides

d. eyebrows with no hair on the outsides 

Eyebrows show how we communicate; we often express a lot through moving our eyebrows. Also the more hair we have in our eyebrows shows the more life we have in us, the more we embrace life. This is why a person with no hair on the outsides of their eyebrows will likely feel exposed, vulnerable, and unprotected and will lack direction in life.

A person with a natural curve to their eyebrows shows flexibility in point of view and expression. A more exaggerated boomerang shape such as seen on Catherine Zeta Jones indicates qualities of independence, strong strength of will and someone who likes to get their own way and get ahead.

Eyebrows that are really thick and bushy show someone who can be irritable and aggressive in nature, more so if the hairs grow in all different directions!

Depending on which way your eyebrows slope also says much about a person. Eyebrows that slope upwards (like Boy George) shows the selfish and egotistical nature of someone who wants their own way, believes they are right and can be spiteful with it. Eyebrows that curve downwards show a shy person who lacks confidence and is fearful and probably struggles to get ahead in the world.

3. A great philosopher and thinker is more likely to have what kind of shaped face?

a. rounded with the widest part in the middle
b. long tall forehead
c. square chin and wide jaw
d. thin face with a pointed chin

b. long tall forehead

Our face can be divided into three distinct sections. The eyebrow level upwards shows the mental characteristics; eyes down to just below the nose the emotional characteristics; and under the nose to the chin relates to physical characteristics. Therefore our forehead shows our frame of mind. A person with a long tall forehead is going to have a very large mental capacity and tendency to spend a lot of their energy up in their head. The higher the forehead the greater the mental capacity therefore a high tall forehead indicates a strong mind. These are the great philosophers and thinkers of our world. An overly emotional person with a big heart is going to have a more rounded face shape with the widest band in the middle of their face - cheeks, eyes, and nose. The bigger hearted they are the bigger the size of their eyes is going to be. A practical down to earth person is going to have a more square shaped face with a very broad base. A square chin and wide jaw indicates their solid down to earth approach. They are often very practically minded and emotionally stable. They are great people to carry out the lofty ideas of the great thinkers.

4. If you want people to see your full potential and take seriously what you are saying, what is the optimum way to style your hair to support this?

a. bangs
b. colored red
c. crew cut
d. pulled off your face with no bangs

d. pulled off your face with no bangs

Linking on from question 3 the forehead shows what’s on our mind, our mental capacity so if we want what’s on our mind to be taken seriously then it’s not best to have it hidden behind bangs. With hair pulled off the forehead people can clearly see our full potential and it’s easier to express what’s on our mind and be taken seriously. If hair is held back too tightly however, it can convey harshness so this needs to be taken into consideration also. Whilst the short crisp crew cut does show clearly what’s on a persons mind it also indicates people who do not get involved with their emotional thought patterns at all which, unless you are a corporal in the army, this may not serve you very well!

Redheads are notorious for their firey nature, so choosing to color your hair red may indicate a desire to bring more fire into your life and you may find you are able to express your anger and frustrations more easily. It could indicate an unconscious desire to release suppressed emotions and fire up your life.

5. A friend of yours has large ears that are rounded at the top. Does this mean they will be which of the following?

a. open, flexible, emotionally understanding of others and a good listener
b. someone who will listen to you with their intellect
c. emotionally controlled and unexpressive and a bad listener
d. suppressed and held back

a. ears tell us how we listen.

People with large rounded ears tend to be good listeners, make good therapists and are flexible. The bigger the ear size the greater the listening skills. A person with small ears tends to be more emotionally controlled and reserved, and don’t tend to express themselves emotionally. They wouldn’t be the best person to receive emotional support from in a crisis.

Ears that are pointed at the top shows a person whose listening skills take them up into their intellect so they will tend to listen with their mind to your problems, rather like Dr Spock! Ears that are down and glued back indicate a person who still feels the need to have an ear to the ground listening for the next reprimand. This indicates a person who has been suppressed and held back since a young age you listen to me” being their norm.

6. You notice a young girl in the Dentist's waiting room has eyes that really slope downwards at the outside edges. What does this mean?

a. she had a lot of harsh criticism growing up
b. she has a history of having not been supported in childhood and life
c. she has a big heart and wears it on her sleeve
d. she is cautious and hesitant in order to keep her heart protected

b. she has a history of having not been supported in childhood and life

Eyes are said to be the gateway to the soul and like to the heart psychosomatically.

Eyes that slope downwards at the edges like a basset hound show a history of someone who feels they have no support in life, who are often supporting others and who have trouble caring about themselves first.  A person with eyes that slope upwards at the edges like a Doberman have experienced a lot of harsh criticism from adults around them as a child growing up, and indicates a history of being looked down upon a lot.

Those with a big heart and who wear it on their sleeve, and who can tend to take things to heart easily will be people with large protruding eyes. Big eyes mean a big heart. Those with small eyes that are deep set tend to be more cautious and hesitant about showing their heart to others and have a need to protect their hearts more.

7. You notice one of your teenage son's friends has an interesting shaped mouth; he has a big bottom lip. Does this mean he's more likely to?

a. suppress his feelings and be emotionally unavailable
b. be sensual and express himself freely
c. be very vocal and give you the lip
d. be introverted and lack confidence

c. be very vocal and give you the lip

The mouth relates to the sacral chakra and how we speak, express or suppress our thoughts, emotions and sexuality. The top lip and its fullness show the degree of sexuality and sensuality we have. The bottom lip shows our freedom of vocal expression. Those with a big bottom lip are likely to be very vocal and have no problems expressing themselves and will tend to give people lots of lip. People with thin lips often suppress their feelings, can be tight-lipped and lack emotional warmth. A person with a small mouth can be cautious and careful and will tend to be somewhat introverted and lack confidence.

8. You are busy landscaping in your new garden and you drop a heavy stone right on your left foot. It lands with all its force on your Big toe. From a psychosomatic point of view what do you think the significance of this is?

a. it's reflecting the difficulties you have been having communicating with a family member recently.
b. it's your body trying to get your attention and let you know you have been over doing things and need to take a rest
c. it's a sign you have gone into your intellect and are over thinking your landscape project instead of being more intuitive about it
d. it reflects how sore and hurt you are still feeling emotionally after the big row you had with your partner this morning

c. it’s a sign you have gone into your intellect and are over thinking your landscape project instead of being more intuitive about it.

Our toes reflect perceptions of our subconscious and unconscious minds, whilst the soles of the feet reflect how these thoughts and ideas are put into action to create individual reality. Toes as individual balancers, reach out, like antennae, to seek universal knowledge and explore life to the full. Each toe symbolizes a specific aspect of the mind.

The big toe is the ‘thinking toe’, and reflects our intellectual and intuitive thoughts. The second toe is the ‘feeling toe’, influencing feelings, emotions and our inter relationships. The third toe is the ‘doing toe’ and rebounds thoughts about our activity and achievements in the outer world. The fourth toe is the ‘communicating toe’ and is all about how we communicate in our relationships. The little toe is the ‘social toe’ and deals with the outside world and how safe and secure we feel in the world. A person who doesn’t feel very secure may have a turned in little toe for example.

9. What are the shoulders going to look like of a person who has taken on more responsibilities in life than they feel they can handle, and they now feel like they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders?

a. bowed, rounded
b. hunched forward
c. pulled back, retracted
d. uneven height, one shoulder is higher than the other

a. bowed, rounded

The shoulders are the carriers and expressers of our thoughts, feelings and our sense of responsibility. They show how we carry ourselves in the world and how we express or hold back our male/female energy through our arms. A person with bowed or rounded shoulders feels they have taken on more responsibility than they can handle. These shoulders can have a lot of tension across the top of the shoulders and base of the neck. They literally feel they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. A person with shoulders hunched forward is doing so to try to protect the chest particularly the heart centre. This comes about from a chronic attitude of fear of being hurt due to past experiences. These people most probably tried reaching out for love at an early age without receiving the appropriate response and the hurt it caused has become frozen in this protective posture.

Someone with retracted or pulled back shoulders feels torn between hitting out and holding back. The muscles and tissue seem to be frozen saying ‘stop me from hitting out’ in an attempt to hold back expression of anger. This can cause a sense of confusion, frustration and helplessness. They feel they have been locked in a straight jacket.

An uneven height of shoulders indicates an uneven use of masculine and feminine energies. Masculine ‘doing’ energies are represented on the right side and feminine ‘receptive’ energies on the left. The shoulder pulled up is holding back the expression of that type of energy male or female. The shoulder that is unnaturally low shows energy that is low, drained or sluggish.

10. A lady you know experienced being attacked in the street and had their purse stolen last week. They are still feeling really vulnerable, defenseless, and their self-esteem and confidence has really taken a tumble too. What do you think is the most likely physical problem that may occur as a psychosomatic consequence of this trauma if it isn't released soon?

a. liver and gall bladder attacks
b. heart palpitations
c. lowered immunity and vitality
d. frequent urination and diminished bladder control

c. lowered immunity and vitality

This question is more difficult to answer because it is easy to see how a person could respond in a number of ways after a trauma such as this. As you read below you may get in touch with how you would respond differently had you experienced this happen to you. A number of different responses could also all take place simultaneously and create a number of physical symptoms as a result. However in the example I’ve given above the person is feeling vulnerable and defenseless which is the key component to why it would psychosomatically affect her immune system as explained below.

Our immune system represents our strength and vitality and is related to issues of vulnerability. After a trauma, such as the shock of an attack, we can be left feeling very vulnerable and defenseless and this can impact our self esteem. Trauma can also cause us to resist being open and vulnerable as a way to try and defend ourselves, but in truth the only real strength lies in embracing our vulnerability fully. A strong immune system indicates a healthy level of self esteem and enthusiasm for life. The immune system can respond to the threat of feeling defenseless by suppressing itself, causing lowered immunity and vitality.

Liver and gall bladder attacks relate more to suppressed anger, bitterness and resentment, envy, and hostility. Had the person’s response to the attack been one of anger and this wasn’t released it may well over time manifest psychosomatically as liver and gall bladder attacks.

It would be more likely for heart palpitations to manifest had the attack been by a loved one rather than a stranger. This is because the heart is all about unconditional love, deep feeling, affection, forgiveness, compassion and sensitivity for oneself, others and life. Issues arise in this area from fear of being hurt emotionally, feeling broke hearted or defeated, feeling unloved and unlovable, and putting up barriers in an attempt to protect oneself.

Kidneys relate to fear and the flow of life. They also deal with elimination and issues of how we filter out and let go of that which is unnecessary to us, both on physical and emotional levels. The kidneys are extremely sensitive to emotional stress, especially fear and anxiety. Take children bedwetting at night as a classic example of so often being fear related. Had the lady who’d been attacked been displaying extreme fear and anxiety that just wasn’t dissipating then this would more likely to manifest in frequent urination symptoms.